Agricultural education and modern school: new perspectives for students - ЕКОЛЕНД


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St. M. Horynya, 11


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St. M. Horynya, 11


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Agricultural education and modern school: new perspectives for students

Ukraine’s agricultural sector is developing rapidly, introducing the latest technologies, so there is a need for specialists who can coordinate and lead this process. After all, agriculture is not just about sowing, processing, and harvesting grain, vegetables, or fruits. In this field, there are also professions of directors, managers, marketers, designers, biologists, ecologists, IT specialists, logisticians, drivers of the latest computerized equipment, etc. There is also a huge market here, where crops are sold, machinery, fertilizers, etc. are purchased. Therefore, given the agricultural orientation of our country, the opportunities in this area are very strong. The younger generation only needs to be interested in modern agriculture, to help them decide on their future career, and most importantly, to demonstrate that it is a vast field of innovation, career development, creativity and opportunities for self-realization in many different professions.

For 3 months, teachers of the ECOLAND Lyceum Vira Derevennaya and Maria Boyko studied with a team of trainers from the NGO SvitloSvit. The Ecolanders have successfully completed the entire program of advanced training courses “Innovators of specialized secondary education: training of teachers of the Agrosphere course”.
Teachers learned the basics of the modern agricultural sector of Ukraine, directions, opportunities and prospects for its development; mastered the basic principles and methods of implementing the Agrosphere course; systematized the knowledge and skills of applying modern methods; received methodological support from agricultural experts, etc.
The close cooperation of secondary schools, local communities and agricultural businesses opens up new perspectives for students. The students will be able to learn about interesting professional opportunities that the agricultural sector can provide them, which will also be an additional motivation to deepen their knowledge in this area. Agricultural education in Ukraine should reach a new level and become popular among young people.

The introduction of the AgriSphere course into the school curriculum is an important step towards increasing the public’s knowledge of agriculture and agriculture, and most importantly, improving the quality of life and competitiveness of Ukraine as a whole.

Vera is a tree,


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